Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Calling All Super Models

In December 2010 the Carmichael Recreation and Park District (CRPD) approved the Carmichael Dog Park Proposed Renovation as part of the District-Wide Master Plan after hosting three community meetings during which CRPD staff heard public input regarding renovation and improvements at the dog park. The resulting Proposed Dog Park Renovation includes upgrading the infrastructure, adding trails, seating, shade, new fencing, and enlarging the small dog park.

Due to economic times the Park District offered to share the cost of renovations with the Carmichael Canine Corral (at times also known as Carmichael Dog Park Society).  This is one of the many fundraisers we will host in order to raise sufficient funds to start renovations for a healthier park.

Cover Girls Need a Whole Month!
The 1st Annual Calendar Photo Event will be held on December 17, 2011 from 10-1 p.m. at Carmichael Park. A professional photographer will ensure all dogs that attend will be in the calendar. There is no charge for participating.

My Cover Girl wants her own month. There is the option for all those fabulous Super Models who wish to donate $50 for their own month.

The calendar can be pre-ordered on December 17th for $15 or you can purchase your calendar at a later date for $17.

Vendors will be present and there will be Free Doughnuts, Coffee and Cocoa. See ya there!

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