Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lure Coursing

I think I owe Marley a huge apology, in the past I've called her unruly and out of control. This weekend I realized I had never really seen Marley out of control. We tried lure coursing and the minute she saw the lure she lost all sense of control.

Yep, she started yipping, barking, pulling on the leash and trembling with excitement. I ended up finding a spot behind a huge truck, which managed to block her view of the course, which seemed to help a bit.

We took 5 turns on the course and she loved every moment. Well, until her turn ended and then I had to be fast and leash her quickly. I ended up having to pick her up to remove her from the course, she squirmed a lot and I almost dropped her a few times.

Check out her stride, she is amazing.

She looks so intense and happy.

I am so grateful this was mentioned at Just Another Dog Blog, Marley had such a great time. I have to keep my eyes open for more opportunities to do this more often.


2halves said...

Were you down in Aptos?!

Monica Marley's Mom said...

Yes. It was so much fun.


2halves said...

Well, dang, we were there too. Should have let us know you were going. Could have said "hi" and gotten some pics for you!

I overheard someone say that they don't do it over the winter. No more fun days down there until March. :-(

However, keep your eyes peeled for agility fun matches at WAG in Elk Grove. They sometimes do coursing in the afternoons after agility.

Glad you guys had fun!